Date: Sat, 26 Mar 94 11:38:21 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #332 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Sat, 26 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 332 Today's Topics: $1000 reward: Project YA-BOY-BUDDY ARLB028 FCC call sign update ARLD016 Pratas Question on Hold ARLD017 DX news ARLP012 Propagation de KT7H ARRL-policy mailing list Audio problem with Kenwood TS430S (2 msgs) Ham-related mailing lists Hole in car roof: Affect vehicle value? (2 msgs) Info-Hams Digest V94 #331 Noise figure/transistors QSL info WWV Voice announcments?? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 04:04:16 GMT From:!swrinde!sgiblab!!!!!quick!ole!ssc!fylz!eskimo! Subject: $1000 reward: Project YA-BOY-BUDDY To: The marines have direction finders and guns. What do they need with a notice posted on a bulletin board? :-) W7LZP ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 05:44:26 -0700 From: agate!!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ARLB028 FCC call sign update To: SB QST @ ARL $ARLB028 ARLB028 FCC call sign update ZCZC AG92 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 28 ARLB028 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 07:33:12 -0700 From: agate!!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ARLD016 Pratas Question on Hold To: SB DX @ ARL $ARLD016 ARLD016 Pratas Question on Hold ZCZC AE14 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 16 ARLD016 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 07:33:04 -0700 From: agate!!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ARLD017 DX news To: SB DX @ ARL $ARLD017 ARLD017 DX news ZCZC AE15 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 17 ARLD017 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 10:39:50 -0700 From: agate!!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ARLP012 Propagation de KT7H To: SB PROP @ ARL $ARLP012 ARLP012 Propagation de KT7H ZCZC AP26 QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 12 ARLP012 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 17:23:15 GMT From:!usc!!swrinde!sgiblab!nbn!moon!pixar! Subject: ARRL-policy mailing list To: The ARRL-POLICY mailing list has been operating for a bit more than a month now. 7 ARRL staffers, various section managers and other field organization volunteers, and many interested amateurs are reading the list. We've managed to have a quiet and reasonable discussion on the ARRL's policies and their effect on ham radio without the obvious problems of the list. At this time, I'm confident that there is enough interest in the list that it will continue to operate (unlike the last three ham-radio mailing lists I started). Thus, I'd like to open the list to packet-radio redistribution. Also, those of you who maintain FAQ files and WWW archives concerned with Amateur Radio, please publish the following instructions for subscribing to the list. Thanks Bruce Perens AB6YM To subscribe to the ARRL-POLICY mailing list, send a message to with this command in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE ARRL-POLICY YOUR_NAME_HERE YOUR_CALLSIGN_HERE The list server will then subscribe the e-mail address from which you sent the command. It will mail you instructions on how to un-subscribe, how to get the list as a digest, and other strategies for dealing with list mail. If you have any difficulty subscribing, please contact . The ARRL-policy list is operated by Bruce Perens as a personal project, without the sponsorship or approval of ARRL. Pixar is not responsible for the mailing list. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 14:48:14 GMT From:!!! Subject: Audio problem with Kenwood TS430S To: My Kenwood TS-430S has audio problems that only manifest on 15 through 10 meters. On tune-up, I cannot get the meter needle on the rig to deflect to the top of the ALC bar, and the meter does not deflect at all when transmitting. Stations report that I have "an audio problem." It only occurs on 15 meters and up. The rig performs beautifully on 20M - 80M. HELP! 73 de N1QVE/AG Harry ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 1994 09:58:40 -0800 From:!!!! Subject: Audio problem with Kenwood TS430S To: In <> writes: > My Kenwood TS-430S has audio problems that only manifest on 15 > through 10 meters. On tune-up, I cannot get the meter needle > on the rig to deflect to the top of the ALC bar, and the meter > does not deflect at all when transmitting. Stations report that > I have "an audio problem." It only occurs on 15 meters and up. > The rig performs beautifully on 20M - 80M. > HELP! > 73 de N1QVE/AG Harry Hello Harry: Sounds like an RF feedback problem, really does. Makes sense it might occur up there above 15 meters, I have had similar problems. My diagnostic suggestions: 1. Try a different antenna, or use a dummy load to see if the same ALC readings occur. If not, sounds like RF. 2. If above no help, carefully check the mike cord for loose ground, etc. Might even just add a new mike cord and connector. Don't forget to check the connections inside the 430, that can do it too. 3. Try a different length of coax to the tuner, or check the coax carefully for loose ground, etc. 4. Create a different ground system. For 15 or 10, use a quarter wavelength of wire thrown out on the floor and connected to your ground terminal. See if this changes the situation. Implicates grounding problems. 6. Your antenna may just be radiating a whole lot into the shack. Think about this, look at the likely pattern, how close the antenna is to the shack, lack of balun (?) or other feedline radiation. If this ends up the direction, check antenna handbooks or feel free to write to me and I have lots more suggestions. Yeah, it has happened to me a lot. 73 Clark WA3JPG ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 14:22:29 GMT From:!usc!!!!ntuix!! Subject: Ham-related mailing lists To: Hi, Can someone post a list of all HAM-related mailing lists that we can subscribe to? Tks. 73, Daniel ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 1994 02:39:44 GMT From:!!!!sarah!rpi!! Subject: Hole in car roof: Affect vehicle value? To: I am considering installing a new antenna in my vehicle and roof-mounting it. Of course, I'll need to make a hole in the roof, so the other day when at my local dealership I asked them what affect that might have on the vehicles value at trade-in/selling time. Their response was that it would lessen the value of the vehicle by $500-$600. This seems a bit steep for one hole in the roof (whether it's plugged or the antenna gets ultimately sold along with the vehicle). Is this estimate anwhere near accurate? What kind of depreciation (if any) should one really expect when selling/buying a used vehicle which has had a roof-mounted object? mla -- Mike Abelson - Network Operations Center Information Technology Services Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Packet: kb2kyz @ wa2umx ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 1994 14:18:15 GMT From:!agate!!!! Subject: Hole in car roof: Affect vehicle value? To: In a previous article, (Mike Abelson) says: >I am considering installing a new antenna in my vehicle and roof-mounting it. > >Of course, I'll need to make a hole in the roof, so the other day when at my local dealership I asked them what affect that might have on the vehicles value at trade-in/selling time. Their response was that it would lessen the value of the vehicle by $50 >0-$600. > >This seems a bit steep for one hole in the roof (whether it's plugged or the antenna gets ultimately sold along with the vehicle). > >Is this estimate anwhere near accurate? What kind of depreciation (if any) should one really expect when selling/buying a used vehicle which has had a roof-mounted object? > >mla > I have put roof mounted antennas on my last 3 cars. When the cars were sold, no one even seemed to notice the hole plug (I would suggest removing the antenna before selling it). If you want the best VHF or UHF performance, that is where the antenna should be. If, on the other hand, resale value is the issue, I suggest that you go with a through-the-glass antenna so that there is no hole. 73, Drew -- *-----------------------------*-------------------------------------* | Andrew B. White K9CW | internet: | | ABW Associates, Ltd. | phone/fax: 217-643-7327 | *-----------------------------*-------------------------------------* ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 94 14:36:40 GMT From: Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #331 To: From: POSTMSTR @SSW To: HCHOAGLAND @MRGATE IN%"Info-Hams @UCSD.EDU" @MRGATE @BV8500 Author: IN%"Info-Hams@UCSD.EDU" Sender: IN%"INFO-HAMS @UCSD.EDU"@MRGATE@BV8500 Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #331 Message Class: Recipients: Profile Recipient(s): CCMAIL -RL636614 *RLMEYERING @CCMAIL @BIIVAX The MAILbridge Server/DEC was unable to deliver mail from Sender IN%"INFO-HAMS@UCSD.EDU"@MRGATE@BV8500. Please contact your Soft-Switch E-Mail Administrator to register this user in the Name Translate Directory. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 03:54:32 GMT From:!swrinde!sgiblab!!!!!quick!ole!ssc!fylz!eskimo! Subject: Noise figure/transistors To: In article <>, wrote: >Hi, > > Here's a design question. I am looking at the front-end RF amp >which uses a 2N3904 and asking myself if I were to replace this with a >transistor with a lower noise figure, say a 2N5179 or BF689, will I see >any improvement? Is this mod worth pursuing? How much improvement can I >expect to see here? > > Tks. > >Daniel > In general, low noise transistors have the most beneficial effect at higher frequencies. If your RF amp is working at about 10 MHz or less, you probably won't notice much improvement. Above that, a simple test is to listen to the noise with the antenna connected, but no signal present. Disconnect the antenna and see if the noise drops. If it does, then the limiting factor is the noise from the antenna, and not the noise generated in the front end transistor. If it DOESN'T drop, then a lower-noise transistor is called for. You can get real fancy with noise figure measurements if you want, but for ordinary ham purposes, this test will tell you what you want to know. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 12:58:53 GMT From:!usc!!pipex!uknet!!!!!!! Subject: QSL info To: TNX for reading. Could anyone give adresses for this amateurs: 5Z4DV CE2ST W3HCW W3HNK KB0JBX K2SB WA4JTK WN5K 9Y4NW UA2FM K1SE J52AK N6QLQ V26B 4X6LM PT2GTI F6FNU DL7UUO JH3RRA D44BS K8PYD I2ZZU TNX IN ADVANCE...Good DXing...Best 73's de CT1ENQ J.Miguel -- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jose' Miguel M.B.Fonte | Universidade de Aveiro - PORTUGAL | | | Departamento de Electronica e Telecom. | | E-mail : |-----------------------------------------| | | Ham callsign : CT1ENQ "always QRV" | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 17:24:42 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!!!!!! Subject: WWV Voice announcments?? To: Stan Olson ( wrote: : Does any one have a schedule of when WWV announces the solar flux : and stuff?? If you could mail me the times/freqs, that would be : great!! Thanks WWV broadcast every hour at minute 18 (e.g. 20:18 , 21:18...) and the freq. are 5Mhz,10Mhz,15Mhz,20Mhz (I think the last one its better) good luck with Dxing ... best 73's de CT1ENQ -- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jose' Miguel M.B.Fonte | Universidade de Aveiro - PORTUGAL | | | Departamento de Electronica e Telecom. | | E-mail : |-----------------------------------------| | | Ham callsign : CT1ENQ "always QRV" | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) SB DX ARL ARLD017 ARLD017 DX news The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Joe, NJ1Q; the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin; and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network. Thanks. PRATAS ISLAND. BV9P is active on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. The operation was worked from Illinois on 7024 kHz at 1445z today. Check 7060, 14195 and 21295 kHz too. They will go QRT about 0700z on March 25. SPRATLY ISLANDS. 9M0A will be an all-band multi-op starting April 2 and run for 5 days. SOUTHERN SUDAN. PA3CXC/ST0 has been worked on 18070 kHz between 1700 and 1800z. IRAQ. YI9CW was busy on 17 and 12 meters last weekend. Check 18075 kHz between 1400 and 1600z. Also try 24900 kHz at 1344z. QSL to SP5AUC, Tom Rogowski, PO Box 11, Warsaw 93, Poland. HONG KONG. VS6WO will host a multi/multi effort in the WPX SSB contest. The team consists of VS6WO, VR2GO, 9V1YC, JE1CKA, DL5XX, K3WUW, and KJ4VH. Their goal is to break the all-time Asian multi/multi record. QSL VS6WO via K9EC. Outside of contest hours, Tim, KJ4VH, will also be on as VS6/KJ4VH with mostly CW. He hopes to be active from HL and BV over the next couple weeks. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, UAE. Don, WB2DND, should be active as A61AD through the weekend, concentrating on 160, 80 and 40 meters. QSL via Don Greenbaum, WB2DND, 250 Standish St., Duxbury, MA 02332. BENIN. Ken, WA4OBO, hopes to sign TY8OBO before the end of March, but this may not occur until April. He will try to spend more time on 80 and 40 meters on this trip, though 40 meters is difficult due to interference. TRINDADE ISLAND. PY0TUP is expected to start a four month operation starting early in May. JOHNSTON ISLAND. Richard, AH6IO, and Pat, NH6UY, plan a five day operation to start on May 4. Pat will operate as NH6UY/KH3 and will make satellite contacts on Oscar 13. QSL via NH6UY CBA. Richard will operate as AH6IO/KH3 on HF around 1830, 3795, 7080, 7175, 14195, 14226, 18130, 21305, 24950, 28495 and 50110 kHz. He will also operate some CW on the low end of the General Class band. Some low band nighttime operation is planned. QSL direct only via AH6IO CBA. WALLIS ISLAND. Rudi, DK7PE, is on as FW/DK7PE, though his length of stay is unknown. SAINT MARTIN ISLAND. FS5PL has been quite active on the lower end of 40 meter CW at around 0400z. QSL via FG5BG. QSL CLARIFICATION. W Leslie Clarke, GI0KAN/EI5HC, continues to receive cards for EI7M. The correct QSL Manager is EI5FT. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The phone portion of the annual CQ World Wide WPX Contest starts at 0000z March 26 and runs through 2400z March 27. Exchange signal report and progressive serial number starting with 001. Details appear on page 112 of February QST. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) SB PROP ARL ARLP012 ARLP012 Propagation de KT7H Solar activity remained very low last week. Geomagnetic conditions ranged from unsettled to active, with a few quiet periods. The most disturbed days were March 17 and 21 when the A index was above 20. March 20 was the most stable day, with the A index at 8 and the K index dropping all the way to zero during one period. For the SSB WPX contest this weekend look for a slightly rising solar flux, possibly reaching 100, with fairly stable geomagnetic conditions. 20 meters should be the best all around band for worldwide DX during the daylight hours and into the early evening. Unfortunately, the short term rise in solar flux should reach a maximum of only about 100 early in the week, and then drop back to around 90 by April 5, when a recurring coronal hole is expected to raise some havoc. April 4 through 7 could be very disturbed, if conditions from the last solar rotation four weeks earlier are any guide. After the drop in solar flux it should increase again to around 105 by the middle of April. Sunspot Numbers from March 17 through 23 were 30, 24, 11, 11, 26, 35 and 32, with a mean of 24.1. 10.7 cm flux was 85.1, 87, 89.1, 88.6, 90.7, 91.1 and 91.8, with a mean of 89.1. The path projection for this week is from Sweetwater, Tennessee, which is between Chattanooga and Knoxville, and United Arab Emirates. 80 meters should be open from 0030 to 0230z, and 40 meters from 2330 to 0300. 30 meters looks good from 2300 to 0330, and 20 meters from 2000 to 0030, with the best time from 2230 to 2330. 17 meters should be open from 1430 to 1930. 15 meters does not look very promising, but check from 1700 to 1830. 12 and 10 meters do not look good at this time, but there is a very slight chance of a 12 meter opening from 1600 to 1900, and on 10 meters around 1800 to 1830. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: 25 Mar 1994 21:40:01 GMT From:!usc!!!! To: References <2maf72$>, , Subject : Re: Converting CB to 10 meters jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jeffrey Herman) writes: >In article (William Freeman USG) writes: >> Note that it's probably not worth converting a CB to 10m >>*unless* the CB is an SSB model. >Not True! Keying the driver stage and adding an simple BFO to the receiver >would give you a neat CW xcvr. A mighty poor one, though. First, an AM detector usually makes a lousy product detector (hey even if it's just beeps, it should sound good); second, you have a 6Kc bandpass instead of 3Kc, for twice the noise. ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) SB QST ARL ARLB028 ARLB028 FCC call sign update The following is a list of the FCC's most recently issued call signs as of March 1. District Group A Group B Group C Group D Extra Advanced Tech/Gen Novice 0 AA0QI KG0LO ++ KB0LYV 1 AA1IV KD1TZ N1RMF KB1BGS 2 AA2RH KF2UA N2YBR KB2QXD 3 AA3HG KE3MC N3RPA KB3BBC 4 AD4QG KR4NY ++ KE4KAL 5 AB5TB KJ5VI ++ KC5FON 6 AC6AP KN6YT ++ KE6FTE 7 AB7BL KI7WH ++ KC7BDO 8 AA8OI KG8HH ++ KB8RSM 9 AA9KI KF9UM N9WHC KB9IXF Hawaii ++ AH6NF WH6SV WH6CRD Alaska ++ AL7PO WL7QW WL7CHL Virgin Is. WP2G KP2CC NP2HG WP2AHU Puerto Rico ++ KP4WM ++ WP4MNW ++All call signs in this group have been issued in this area. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: (null) From: (null) SB DX ARL ARLD016 ARLD016 Pratas Question on Hold ARRL DX Advisory Committee Chairman Robert Beatty, W4VQ, has announced that the question of new country status for Pratas Island, BV9, has been removed from the DXAC agenda pending receipt of further information from the petitioner. A vote had never been scheduled on the petition. Upon receipt of the requested information, the matter will be placed on the agenda, and a vote scheduled. NNNN /EX ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 19:04:20 GMT From: netcomsv!! To: References <>, <2mul91$>, <> Subject : Re: Why no 10 meter activity?? Yesterday driving home from work (Dallas) I worked ZY5C (southern Brasil) and CX1NT (Uraguay) on 10 meters. Trans. Eq. skip?? Smitty, NA5K -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Henry B. Smith - NA5K | | Dallas, Texas | | | | "I'm not sure I understand everything that I know" | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #332 ******************************